Source code for hprocessing.ProcessEnviFile

Class and functions to process envi file.

The package `spectral` is used in this repository with permission by the
authors (see `spectralpython/spectral/issues/103


import itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import spectral as spy

[docs]class ProcessEnviFile(): """ Class to process ENVI files. Parameters ---------- image : spectral image Image file of the hyperspectral image wavelengths : list of int List of measured wavelength bands bbl : list of str/int/bool List of bbl values that say which wavelengths are measured in good quality (1) and which are not (0) zone_list : list List of measurement zones in the image. That does not include the spectralon (white reference). If a zone needs to be ignored, it needs to be removed from this list. positions : dict Dictionary with information of the positions config file index_of_meas : int Index of dataset in positions CSV file mask : numpy array, optional (default=None) Zero = pixel to be masked, One = good pixel grid : tuple (int, int), optional (default=(1, 1)) Size of the grid (rows, columns). If row/column zero, every pixel is one row/column. stat_mode : str Mode for calculating the "mean spectrum". Possible values: median, mean, max, max10 (= maximum of the top 10 pixels), std. spectralon_factor : float, optional (default=0.95) Factor of how much solar radiation the spectralon reflects. """ def __init__(self, image, wavelengths: list, bbl: list, zone_list: list, positions: dict, index_of_meas: int, mask=None, grid: tuple = (1, 1), stat_mode: str = "median", spectralon_factor: float = 0.95): """Initialize ProcessEnviFile object.""" self.image = image self.wavelengths_original = wavelengths self.bbl_original = bbl self.zone_list = zone_list self.positions = positions self.mask = mask self.grid = grid self.index_of_meas = index_of_meas self.stat_mode = stat_mode self.spectralon_factor = spectralon_factor self.wavelengths_original, self.bbl_original = validateWavelengths( wavelengths=self.wavelengths_original, bbl=self.bbl_original) self.wavelengths, _ = removeBadBands( self.wavelengths_original, self.wavelengths_original, self.bbl_original) self.grid_elements = None
[docs] def getMultipleSpectra(self): """ Get soil spectrum for measurements with multiple soil spectra. In these measurements, there are multiple spectra measured: the one of the spectralon and the multiple soil spectra. The soil spectra are combined with the spectralon spectrum to get the reflectance spectra of the soil measurements. Returns ------- zones_fields_df : DataFrame DataFrame containing the reflectance spectra of the soil measurements Todo ----- - Replace pandas by numpy """ # get spectrum of the spectralon (= white reference) spec_edges = self.getEdgesFromPrefix(prefix="spec") df_spectralon = self.getMeanSpectrumFromRectangle( edges=spec_edges, mode="max10") # loop over all zones and get spectra zone_spectra_cali = [] for _, zone in enumerate(self.zone_list): zone_edges = self.getEdgesFromPrefix(prefix=zone) df_zone = self.getMeanSpectraFromSquareGrid( edges=zone_edges, mode=self.stat_mode) df_zone["zone"] = zone zone_spectra_cali.append(self.getCalibratedSpectra( spectra=df_zone, spectralon=df_spectralon)) zones_fields_df = pd.concat(zone_spectra_cali, axis=0, ignore_index=True) return zones_fields_df
[docs] def getEdgesFromPrefix(self, prefix: str): """ Get start and end values of edges in rows and columns. These four values describe a rectangle on the hyperspectral image. Parameters ---------- prefix : str Name of the rectangle which corresponds to the resulting edges Returns ------- edges : list of [int, int, int, int] Edges of the resulting rectangle """ edges = [self.positions[prefix+"_row_start"][self.index_of_meas], self.positions[prefix+"_row_end"][self.index_of_meas], self.positions[prefix+"_col_start"][self.index_of_meas], self.positions[prefix+"_col_end"][self.index_of_meas]] return edges
[docs] def getMeanSpectrumFromRectangle(self, edges: list, mode: str = "median") -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get mean spectrum from rectangle area (region of interest, ROI). Parameters ---------- edges : list of 4 int Edges of the square (row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end) mode : str Mode for calculating the "mean spectrum". Possible values: median, mean, max, max10 (= maximum of the top 10 pixels), std. Returns ------- df_spectrum : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with the spectrum as row, wavelengths as columns Todo ----- - implement statsmodels.robust.scale.Huber as robust mean """ spectrum_mean = [] for i in range(len(self.wavelengths_original)): roi = [] for row in range(edges[0], edges[1]): for col in range(edges[2], edges[3]): if self.mask is not None: if self.mask[row, col] == 1: continue roi.append(self.image[row, col, i]) if mode == "median": spectrum_mean.append(np.median(roi)) elif mode == "mean": spectrum_mean.append(np.mean(roi)) elif mode == "max": spectrum_mean.append(np.max(roi)) elif mode == "max10": spectrum_mean.append(np.mean(np.sort(roi)[-10:])) elif mode == "std": spectrum_mean.append(np.std(roi)) wavelengths, spectrum_mean = removeBadBands( spectrum=spectrum_mean, wavelengths=self.wavelengths_original, bbl=self.bbl_original) df_spectrum = pd.DataFrame(data=[spectrum_mean], columns=wavelengths) return df_spectrum
[docs] def getRealGridSize(self, edges: list): """ Calculate grid size. Parameters ---------- edges : list of 4 int Edges of the square (row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end) Returns ------- (int, int) Number of grid rows and columns """ if not self.grid: grid_n_rows = (edges[1] - edges[0]) grid_n_columns = (edges[3] - edges[2]) else: if self.grid[0] == 0: grid_n_rows = (edges[1] - edges[0]) else: grid_n_rows = self.grid[0] if self.grid[1] == 0: grid_n_columns = (edges[3] - edges[2]) else: grid_n_columns = self.grid[1] return (grid_n_rows, grid_n_columns)
[docs] def getMeanSpectraFromSquareGrid(self, edges, mode: str = "median"): """ Get mean spectra from squared grid area (region of interest, ROI). Parameters ---------- edges : list of 4 int Edges of the square (row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end) mode : str Mode for calculating the "mean spectrum". Possible values: median, mean, max, max10 (= maximum of the top 10 pixels), std. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with all spectra as rows. """ grid_real = self.getRealGridSize(edges) self.grid_elements = getGridElements(grid_real) new_edges_list = getEdgesForGrid(edges, grid_real=grid_real) spectra_list = [] for new_edges in new_edges_list: spectra_list.append(self.getMeanSpectrumFromRectangle( edges=new_edges, mode=mode)) df = pd.concat(spectra_list, ignore_index=True) df["GridElement_Row"] = [el[0] for el in self.grid_elements] df["GridElement_Column"] = [el[1] for el in self.grid_elements] return df
[docs] def getCalibratedSpectra(self, spectra: pd.DataFrame, spectralon: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get calibrated spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra : pd.DataFrame Not-calibrated spectra spectralon : pd.DataFrame Spectrum of the spectralon (white reference) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Calibrated spectra """ new_spectra = spectra.copy(deep=True) def getCalibratedSpectrumSimple(x): return getCalibratedSpectrum( soil=x, spectralon=spectralon[self.wavelengths], spectralon_factor=self.spectralon_factor) new_spectra[self.wavelengths] = spectra[self.wavelengths].apply( getCalibratedSpectrumSimple, axis=1, raw=True) return new_spectra
[docs]def getEdgesForGrid(edges: list, grid_real): """ Calculate the grid geometry (edges). Parameters ---------- edges : list of 4 int Edges of the square (row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end) grid_real : (int, int) Number of grid rows and columns Returns ------- new_edges : list of int New edges of the grid inside the rectangle. """ # calculating the height height = int((edges[1] - edges[0]) / grid_real[0]) # calculating the width width = int((edges[3] - edges[2]) / grid_real[1]) # calculating starting points of the new rows and columns new_row_starts = [int(edges[0] + height*i) for i in range(int((edges[1] - edges[0]) / height))] new_col_starts = [int(edges[2] + width*i) for i in range(int((edges[3] - edges[2]) / width))] # calculating all edges of the grid new_edges = [] for row_s in new_row_starts: for col_s in new_col_starts: new_edges.append([row_s, row_s+height, col_s, col_s+width]) return new_edges
[docs]def getEnviFile(filepath): """ Read from envi file. The envi files consist of one header file (.hdr) and one image file (.cue). The documentation for the ENVI functions can be found here: The documentation for the ENVI header files can be found here: Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to header file Returns ------- header : spectral header Contains description, samples, lines, bands, header offset, file type, data type, interleave, sensor type, z plot average, z plot range, default stretch, plot titles, reflectance, byte order, bbl, wavelength, wavelength units. image : spectral image Image file of the hyperspectral image. Order of the indices: image[row, column], image[row, column, band] See here: """ spy.settings.envi_support_nonlowercase_params = True header = getEnviHeader(filepath) image =, filepath[:-3]+"cue") return header, image
[docs]def getEnviHeader(filepath): """ Read envi header file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to header file Returns ------- header : spectral header Contains description, samples, lines, bands, header offset, file type, data type, interleave, sensor type, z plot average, z plot range, default stretch, plot titles, reflectance, byte order, bbl, wavelength, wavelength units. """ header = return header
[docs]def readEnviHeader(header): """ Read out the header of the ENVI file. The documentation of the ENVI Header Files can be found here: Parameters ---------- header : envi header format Header of the ENVI file Returns ------- date_formatted : str Date formatted as yyyymmdd time_formatted : str Time formatted as hh:mm:ss """ description = header["description"].split("\n") datestring = description[0] # datestring format: "Date: 05/17/2017," timestring = description[1] # timestring format: "Time: 6:02:24.34 P," date = datestring[6:-1] # date format: "05/17/2017" time = timestring[6:-6] # time format: "6:02:24" ampm = timestring[-2] # ampm: A or P date_formatted = date[6:] + date[0:2] + date[3:5] # format: "20170517" time_formatted = formatTime(time, ampm) # format: "18:02:24" return date_formatted, time_formatted
[docs]def formatTime(time, ampm): """ Format time from 6:02PM to 18:02 (or 10:02PM to 22:02). Parameters ---------- time : str Time formated as "6:02:24" (or 10:02:24) ampm : str Formatted as "A" or "P" for AM or PM Returns ------- newtime : str Time formatted as "18:02:24" (or 22:02:24) """ hour, minute, second = time.split(":") if ampm[0] == "P" and int(hour) < 12: newtime = str((int(hour) + 12) % 24) + ":" + minute + ":" + second else: newtime = time return newtime
[docs]def getCalibratedSpectrum(soil, spectralon, spectralon_factor: float = 0.95): """ Calibrate hyperspectral spectrum from soil via spectralon. Calibrate each bin of the soil spectrum on the respective bin in the spectralon (= white reference) spectrum. Parameters ---------- soil : list of float Spectrum of the soil. spectralon : list of float Spectrum of the spectralon. spectralon_factor : float Factor of how much solar radiation the spectralon reflects. Returns ------- np.array of floats List of reflectance values for each band of the soil image. """ return np.divide(np.squeeze(soil).astype(float), np.squeeze(spectralon).astype(float)) * spectralon_factor
[docs]def validateWavelengths(wavelengths: list, bbl: list): """ Validate wavelengths and bbl. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : list of int List of measured wavelength bands bbl : list of str/int/bool List of bbl values that say which wavelengths are measured in good quality (1) and which are not (0) Returns ------- list of int Validated `wavelengths` list list of int Validated `bbl` list Raises ------ ValueError: Raised if `wavelengths` and `bbl` are of a different length. """ # check for inconsistencies if len(wavelengths) != len(bbl): raise ValueError( "Length of wavelengths ({0}) and bbl ({1}) is not equal.".format( len(wavelengths), len(bbl))) # remove zero-wavelength at the beginning if len(wavelengths) == 139: return wavelengths[1:], bbl[1:] return wavelengths, bbl
[docs]def removeBadBands(spectrum, wavelengths, bbl): """ Remove bands that are marked as bad in bbl list. Parameters ---------- spectrum : list of int Spectrum as a list. wavelengths : list of int List of measured wavelength bands bbl : list of str/int/bool List of bbl values that say which wavelengths are measured in good quality (1) and which are not (0) Returns ------- newwavelengths : list of int List of "good" wavelength bands newspectrum : list of int Spectrum of all "good" bands as a list """ newwavelengths = [] newspectrum = [] for i, refl in enumerate(spectrum): if int(bbl[i]) == 1: newwavelengths.append(wavelengths[i]) newspectrum.append(refl) return newwavelengths, newspectrum
[docs]def convertWavelength(wavelength) -> str: """ Convert wavelength into string in nano meter. Parameters ---------- wavelength : str, int, float Wavelength in nano meters or micro meters Returns ------- str Wavelength as string Raises ------ ValueError If wavelegnth between 5 and 200 """ # micro meter if float(wavelength) < 5.0: return str(int(float(wavelength)*1000)) # nano meter if int(wavelength) > 200: return str(int(wavelength)) # invalid wavelength raise ValueError("Warning: Could not convert wavelength.")
[docs]def getGridElements(grid: tuple) -> list: """ Get elements of a 2-dimensional grid. Parameters ---------- grid : tuple (int, int), optional (default=(1, 1)) Size of the grid (rows, columns). If row/column zero, every pixel is one row/column. Returns ------- list of tuples (int, int) List of grid elements """ if grid is None or grid == (0, 0): return [(0, 0)] return list(itertools.product(range(grid[0]), range(grid[1])))